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Palm Trees



Our fees are easy to understand. We charge an asset-based fee. Your fee is a fixed percentage of the total value of all assets managed by Apex Retirement Advisors.


We want to be transparent when it comes to fees. Our fees are billed according to the table below:


Total Client Assets                Annual Fee

$0 to $1,999,999                       1.25%

$2,000,000 to $8,000,000         0.75%

$8,000,000+                              Fees are negotiable.


Here’s how you can get an idea of your annual fee with Apex.


For accounts $0 to $1,999,999:


[Your Total Assets] x .0125 = Your fee


For accounts $2,000,000 to $8,000,000:


[Your Total Assets] x .0075 = Your fee


For accounts in excess of $8,000,000, our fee is negotiable. 

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